Friday, November 1, 2019

I forgot to post two books! First is one I did with Scholastic. They have a great series based on the old nursery rhyme we all know - 'There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly'.
I was asked to illustrate a version written by the clever Chrissy Bozik. It's all about camping in Canada and Anne and Andrea really let me have fun with this book. My niece tells me it's her son's favourite book!

Also just out is 'Join the No-Plastic Challenge!' (part of 'Exploring Our Community' with Kids Can Press). It's an important subject and I'm really happy KCP was as excited as I was to do this. It's also good to have Greenpeace onboard to give it their seal of approval. I've been hearing educators are approaching my publisher to see what's new in the series – that's a compliment!

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for another book in the same series called 'Follow that Bee!' It's made the long list for the Subaru Science award. Even if I don't win I'm grateful to be among such good company.

That's it for what's out there. There's a couple of books in the works that will be out late next year. I will keep you posted when they are done.
And finally, I did a cover for the upcoming Write magazine – the magazine for the writers' union of Canada.
Ok, all caught up!

Monday, August 12, 2019

This is a really nice review of Owen at the Park. It's finally out and I am very happy to see it in stores.
I raced over to Kids Books on Broadway and signed some copies.

Another book I'm working on with Kids Can Press about mindfulness will be finished soon. It's part of the Exploring Our Community series which is now up to 8 books! I can't show too much of it until it's out but I'm very happy with the art. 

This happens every year (and I always seem to forget) but August is sooo slow. I tend to take it personally - will I ever work again?! :) But what I should be doing is going for a swim or a bike ride or a watching a bee. That's the kind of thing to do in August!

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Owen at the Park - advance copies

Owen at the Park
I'm so happy to receive advance copies of "Owen at the Park", my new book with Groundwood Books. I wrote this story based on visits to Tiergarten in Berlin and I am very proud of the way it turned out. I have to say how much Michael Solomon, the amazing art director at Groundwood, does to make it look so great. I know he is working on many books at any one time there so I am grateful. Looking forward to August 2019 when it hits the bookshelves.

I'm working on the new style I posted last week. It's more realistic than my usual fare and it's a nice opportunity to try new subjects. So far I've done only portraits so I figured it was time I tried a body in motion. Pretty happy with the way this turned out.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Thanks to the suggestion of a wonderful editor at Highlights I'm trying out a new style. It's based on other illustrations I've done but now, entirely 'Trump free', which is always a good thing. This is when Michael Phelps won four Olympic medals.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Bees, Berlin and Osaka

A few things to catch up on here - starting with a trip to Japan. I was lucky to go with a friend who speaks the language and knows his way around so that made the trip absolutely amazing. Loved the food (Osaka is known for it's food and the onsen (which I got kicked out of because I have a tattoo!)
Then on the book front here's one that's just come out, another coming in August and another being brought back.
 First is 'Follow that Bee!' which is another book in the ever growing series with Kids Can Press called Exploring Our Community. I'm very proud of this series and so happy to be able to touch on issues that mean a lot to me. Sometimes I think if we can teach the kids we might still have a chance - since us oldsters have made a bit of a mess of things.

The next book, 'Owen at the Park' with Groundwood books is based on an incident in Tiergarten in Berlin. I almost consider Berlin a second home and this park is incredible, with a colourful, spotty history including it being a fenced in hunting ground! Not very noble of the nobles. But I will write again on this book when it's out. It was shown in Bologna so I'm excited to see the cover and poster.

And finally I was very happy to hear a book I did has been brought back - P'eska and the First Salmon Ceremony. Groundwood has such a great selection of First Nations books and I am happy to be part of it.

That's it for now, until next time.